Friends of the Library


Monday, April 17th

6:30 p.m.

Friends of the Library have supported the Kirkland Public Library by purchasing many needed items including meeting tables and chairs, as well as the heavy-duty tables that our computers are located on. Friends of the Library have also funded our Summer Reading and Activity Program and donated money so that we could receive a grant from the Libri Foundation of Eugene, Oregon.  After the needed seed money was provided by the Friends, the Libri Foundation  matched it at the maximum level of 3 to 1 and we were able to purchase 82 young adult and early readers.  In addition, the library received a bonus of $350 worth of math and science books.  Many, many thanks to the Friends of the Library for their terrific support.


Currently serving as elected officers for the Friends of the Library are:
President:  Julie Miller
Vice President :  To Be Determined
Secretary:  Helen Davis
Treasurer:  Tina Weaver

The Friends are looking for others to join them in their efforts to support the library.  There are five meetings a year and one fundraising event.  Please considering joining this group.

History of the Friends of the Library

A group of young women in Kirkland organized the “Lorene Club” shortly before 1920 for the purpose of founding and maintaining a library and helping in community welfare. A house-to-house canvas was made to ask citizens to contribute books.

Two rooms above the grocery store on the corner of Main and Fifth Streets were rented from Walter Garland. For several years members volunteered to serve as librarians. Various means of raising money were used. Probably the most lucrative and long lasting was a cookbook that was compiled by members in 1928. An new cookbook was published in 1984 soon after the Friends of the Library was organized. In the 1990s the Library Board of Trustees published a cookbook incorporating the original 1928 recipes and recipes from those contributors descendants.

Once Friends of the Library was organized in the early 1980s, the group held bake sales, sponsored a storytelling hour, helped with summer reading programs, parties, and held a quilt show. Their largest undertaking was the cookbook published in 1984 and for approximately ten years they have been organizing their Annual Salad Luncheon.